Web Development & Programming Notes
Errata from a career in agile development

Web Development Reflections
In my career I have had the privilege to work as an independent services provider for many innovative corporations in a range of industries, with a particular focus on the professional personal care industry. I have architected and programmed large scale web systems featuring extensive user interfaces wrapped around large relational databases in high compliance, permission-restricted settings. My primary focus has been in content management and financial reporting systems, but I have had opportunities to work on a broad range of projects from all discplines of web and database development and interactive multimedia design.
Posts & Tutorials
The following links point to some useful resources and scripts that I've developed to help other web developers with some unusual and obscure tasks. Please note - some of these are VERY old and may be quite antiquated now! I keep them up for historical purposes, and because I get a laugh looking back at all of these trials and tribulations. It amazes me to recall the variety of challenges I have faced and the many random projects, solutions, widgets, doodads and gizmo's I have had to create in a 20+ year career in web development.
- Review of the HarvardX Data Science Professional Certificate program
- U.S. Census Bureau Free Geocoder
- Great Article on R with Leaflet and Tinyverse/Tinycensus
- GPG Encryption in .NET
- Save Images to WEBP Format & Serve them on your website
- JQuery Selector Function to Select a .NET CheckboxList Item by Value
- Primer on CSS Class implementation relating to Hyperlinks
- A context-sensitive client-side dropdown, using multi-dimensional arrays in pure javascript.
- An example of how to use information_schema to get information about SQL Tables.
- SQL Tips & Tricks - Random Records, Inline Identity Returns, Multiple Aggregates without Group By
- SQL Tips & Tricks - Using the PIVOT operator
- Cisco AnyConnect Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio .NET 2005 Problems with Web Projects and Permissions
- What to do if anonymous access to a web site stops working when the web server is promoted to a domain controller.
- OnTextChanged event handling in ASP.NET
- Developing a regular expression to strip all HTML tags from a string.
- Enumerating the request.servervariables collection.
- Enumerating url (ASCII) encodings for all English characters and symbols.
- A tool to check which javascript keyCode is assigned to any key pressed.
- A random polygonal shape generator built in Flash
- A Flash 5 "SmartClip" that handles preloading of external files
- A Flash 5 WYSIWYG Text editor I developed for use in a larger application
My Companies & Brands
I co-founded Elaborative Technologies, which operates several online brands & properties related to the professional beauty industry. I also own and operate an online mineral museum and collecting resource with an e-commerce shopping system.